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Expression of a novel pyridoxal kinase mRNA splice variant, PKH-T, in human testis

Xing Fang, Zuo-Min Zhou, Li Lu, Lan-Lan Yin, Jian-Min Li, Yin Zhen, Hui Wang, Jia-Hao Sha

Key Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China

Asian J Androl 2004 Jun; 683-91

Keywords: testis-specific human pyridoxal kinase; testis cDNA microarray; spermatogenesis; tissue distribution; spermatogenic arrest; ubiquitin

Aim: To identify the genes specifically expressed in human adult and fetal testes and spermatozoa. Methods: A human testis cDNA microarray was established. Then mRNAs of human adult and fetal testis and spermatozoa were purified and probes were prepared by a reverse transcription reaction with mRNA as the template. The microarray was hybridized with probes of adult and fetal testes and spermatozoa. The nucleic acid sequences of differentially expressed genes were determined and homologies were searched in the databases of GenBank. Results: A novel human testis-specific gene, PKH-T, was identified by hybridizing adult and fetal testis and spermatozoa probes with a human testis cDNA microarray. The cDNA of PKH-T was 1 069 bp in length. The cDNA sequence of this clone was deposited in the Genbank (AY303972) and PKH-T was also determined as Interim GenSymbol (Unigene, HS.38041). PKH-T contained most PKH conserved motif. The 239 amino acid sequences deduced from the 719 bp open reading frame (ORF) had a homology with the gene PKH (U89606). PKH-T was specifically and strongly expressed in the testis. Comparison of the differential expressions of PKH and PKH-T in testes of different developmental stages indicated that PKH-T was expressed in the adult testis and spermatozoa, while PKH, in the adult, fetal and aged testes. PKH-T had no expression in the testis of Sertoli cell only and partially spermatogenic arrest patients. Conclusion: PKH-T is a gene highly expressed in adult human testis and spermatozoa. It may play an important role in spermatogenesis and could be related to male infertility.

1 Introduction

Spermatogenesis involves a number of processes, including meiosis, haploid gene expression, formation of acrosome and flagellum, replacement of histones with protamines and nuclear condensation. Spermatogenesis commences in puberty and the expression of genes is different in different developmental stages of testis [1-3]. Study on genes expressed in the testis at different stages of development may identify new genes related to the function of testis [4]. A series of genes are involved in the control of spermatogenesis. Exploration of these genes could elucidate not only its physiology, but also the pathological mechanism of male infertility [5].

In the present study, the genes expressed in the human embryo and adult testes and spermatozoa were compared and a novel human pyridoxal kinase (PKH) gene with a specific expression in the testis (PKH-T) was identified.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 cDNA microarray hybridization and molecular cloning

Probes of human adult and fetal testes and spermatozoa were hybridized with human testis cDNA micro-array containing 9216 clones. Preparation of microarray and probes and hybridization was conducted according to Sha et al [6, 7].

Human ejaculates were obtained from 10 healthy volunteers of proven fertility and normal semen quality, as assessed by WHO criteria (1999). All the samples were obtained after the approval of the Ethical Committee of this University and the obtaining consent forms from all the participants. The semen samples were allowed to liquefy for 1 h at room temperature and then washed twice in phosphate-buffered saline (0.1 mol/L PBS). The sediments were stored in liquid nitrogen before RNA extraction.

Ten pooled sediments were homogenized and the total RNA was isolated with the trizol RNA isolation protocol (Gibco BRL, USA) and quantified with a UV spectrometer and electrophoresis. The testis RNA was purified using an affinity column filled with poly (dT) resin. These probes were prepared by the incorporation of 33P-labeled dATP in a reverse transcription reaction using spermatozoa total RNA 50 g as the template with an oligo (dT) as the primer and M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Promega, USA). Each labeling reaction was carried out with 200 Ci of 33P-dATP following the attached instruction of the manufacturer (NEN Life Science, USA).

The differentially expressed genes in adult and fetal testes and spermatozoa were purified using mini-preps (QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit, Qiagen, Germany). They were then sequenced by an ABI377 automatic sequencer (Applied Biosystems, USA). DNA sequences of the differentially expressed genes were inputted into the database for the search of homologous proteins using the BLAST and SMART programs. The nucleotide sequence and the putative protein structure were analyzed by the GenRunner program.

2.2 Tissue distribution of PKH-T gene

After sequence identification and analysis, a novel human pyridoxal kinase (PKH) mRNA splice variant, named PKH-T, was identified. The expression profile of PKH-T was determined by PCR screening. The multiple tissue cDNA panels were from the commercial Human Multiple Tissue cDNA (MTC) Panel I and II kit (Cat#K1420-1 and K1421-2, Clontech, USA), including 16 human tissues (testis, skeletal muscle, liver, pancreas, brain, lung, kidney, heart, placenta, spleen, thymus, prostate, ovary, small intestine, colon and peripheral blood leukocytes). Another testis cDNA was used as the positive control of PCR amplification, which was amplified from the normal human adult testis by using RT-PCR. The forward primer is 5'-TCGGGTTTGAGCCAGTC3' (68-85 nt) and the reverse primer,5'-CCTGGCTG-TGGATCTTC3' (450-467 nt). The PCR product size was 400 bp. G3PDH was used as the positive control of the cDNA templates. The reagents in 20 mL PCR reaction volume were as follows: 10PCR buffer 2 L, 25 mmol/L Mg2+ 1.5 L, 20 mmol/L dNTPs 0.15 L, Taq DNA polymerase (5 U/L) 0.15 L, distilled water 12.2 L, 1 L of each primer (5 pmol) and cDNA sample 2 L. PCR was performed with an initial denaturation at 94 for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94 for 30 sec, annealing at 55 for 30 sec, extension at 72 for 1 min and an additional extension for 7 min. The PCR products were analyzed after electrophoresis.

2.3 Expression of PKH-T and PKH gene in teseis of different developmental stages

To compare the differential expression of PKH and PKH-T in different developmental stages of testis, RT-PCR was carried out using corresponding primer. The reverse primer of PKH is universal to PKH-T, never-theless the forward primer of PKH is 5'GGATTTGA-GATTGACGC3'(99-116nt in u89606). The cDNA of testes include the adult (the prime of life), the embryo (6 months) and the aged (73 years old) and the spermatozoa cDNA. The cDNAs were amplified with the sequence specific primers as described above and the PCR products were resolved by electrophoresis. -actin mRNA was also amplified as the control.

2.4 Expression of PKH-T gene in testes of patients with spermatogenic arrest and Sertoli-cell-only syndrome (SCOS)

Seventeen male infertile patients were recruited in this study, including 4 SCOS and 13 spermatogenic arrest at different stages (4 at spermatocyte stage, 2 at spermatids and 7 at all levels of spermatogenesis, Figure 7). Testicular biopsy and pathological diagnosis were done at the Nanjing Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing, China. RNA was extracted using the Trizol reagent. Then the total RNA was reverse-transcripted to cDNA with AMV reverse transcriptase. The PKH-T expression was determined as follows: The cDNAs were amplified with the sequence specific primers and PCR products resolved by electrophoresis. The testis cDNAs were processed in a similar way to detect the presence of -actin mRNA.

3 Results

3.1 Identification of a novel spermatogenesis-related gene, PKH-T

Hybridization of cDNA microarray containing 9216 human clones with adult and fetal testis and spermatozoa probes identified a spermatogenesis-related clone, PKH-T. This gene was highly expressed in adult testis and spermatozoa, but lower in fetal testis; its hybridization signal intensity in adult and fetal testes and spermatozoa were 259.66, 52.45 and 149.23, respectively (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Partial cDNA hybridization images showing differential expression of PKH-T in fetal and adult testis and spermatozoa. The arrows indicate PKH-T cDNA; hybridization intensity in adult testis, fetal testis and spermatozoa was 259.66, 52.45, 149.23, respectively. Hybridization intensity was 3.95 folds higher in adult than in fetal testis.

The cDNA full-length is 1069 bp and contains an open reading frame (nt 190-909) that encodes a protein with 239 amino acids (Figure 2). The methionine at nt 190-192 was the initiation site, because there was an upstream stop code TGA at nt 76-78. The cDNA sequence of this clone was deposited in the GenBank under the accession number of AY303972.

Figure 2. Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of cDNA for PKH-T. Numbering of nucleotide shown on the left. Initiation and stop codons in bold type. Boxes show PCR primers for determination of expression profile. Upstream primer is located in specific region of PKH-T. Downstream primer is homologous with that of other genes of PKH family.

Blast search in the human genome database localized the PKH-T gene at the chromosome 21. NT_011515.101/HS21_11672. One clone in chromosome 21 (length= 340000 bp) contains the genomic sequence of PKH. The PKH gene is spliced by 10 exons (with lengths ranging from 47 to 265 bp) and 9 introns (with lengths ranging from 89 to 2869bp), encompassing 14 749 bp genomic DNA in NT_011515.101. Blast search of the contig map showed that all exons were located within chromosome 21q22.3, so this PKH-T gene was mapped to chromosome 21q22.3.

Blast searches revealed that PKH-T was highly homologous to 4 other genes, all of which belong to the PKH (human pyridoxal kinase) gene family and have been identified in the human (form 110-1057 bp of PKH-T, identity rate=100 %) as NM003681, BC00123, BC005825 and U89606 (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Transcript and splicing comparison of PKH-T with homologous genes. Homologues originate from one gene and consist of 12 exons (shown as boxes). Exon 3 present only in PKH-T and PKH-T lacks exon 1, 2. BCOO5825 lacks exon 5. PKH include U89606, NM-003681 and BC00123, lengths of exon 1 and exon 12 are different, but ORFs are identical.

Splicing comparison of PKH-T with homologous genes indicates that 5 homologues originate from one gene and consist of 12 exons (Figure 3). Exon 3 is present only in PKH-T and PKH-T lacks exons 1 and 2, thus the difference between PKH-T and other PKH genes may be caused by alternative splicing in different tissues.

3.2 Homologous comparison and predicted features of PKH-T peptide sequence

PKH-T coded a 239 amino acid protein with predicted molecular weight of 26.83 kD. Its peptide sequence was 73 a.a, being shorter than that of PKH (U89606 was a representative and NM003681, BC00123, etc. also encoded 312 a.a). The sequence of PKH-T was the same as that from 74th amino acid to the end of PKH and the identity rate was 100 %.

Blast conserved domain search for PKH-T protein showed a Pdxk (PN/PL/PM kinase) domain (3-239 a.a); furthermore, the SMART software (http://www.smart.embl-heidelberg.de/) had identified one PKH domain (1-211 a.a).

To compare PKH-T and PKH with other B6-vitamin kinases, we present an alignment that includes E.coli PdxK, PdxY, T.brucei PdxK, C.elegans PdxK, R.norvegicus Plk and human PKH (PKH_human) (Figure 4). Activities have been demonstrated directly only for E.coli PdxK and PdxY [8, 9], human PKH [10] and T.brucei PdxK [11]; the other sequences are putative homologs identified by blast searches. This alignment suggests that the conserved motifs may be involved in substrate binding or catalysis, including a candidate tyrosine residue (marked 1), which cannot be modified following PL binding [12], a dissociable P-loop motif (regions 3), which may be involved in ATP binding [11], candidate aspartic and glutamic acid residues (marked 2), which may act as the general bases in phosphate transfer[11]and a region (marked 3) that is affinity labeled by the bisubstrate analog adenosine tetraphosphate in the PL kinase isolated from the sheep brain [13].

Figure 4. Amino acid alignments of PKH and PKH-T with homologs from other organisms.
Sequences have the following database accession numbers: E.
coli PdxK (PdxK), GenBank U53700; E.coli PdxY (PdxY), DDBJ D90807 cds 10; T.brucei PdxK (Tbruc), GenBank U96712; C.elegans PdxK (Kcele), GenBank AF003142; R.norvegicus Plk (Krnor), GenBank AF020346; and human PKH (PKH_human), U89606. Red: identical amino acids; blue: similar amino acids. Conserved motifs that may be involved in substrate binding or catalysis are boxed (discussion in text).

3.3 Tissue distribution of PKH-T mRNA

PCR and electrophoresis showed that this novel PKH gene was particularly and strongly expressed in human testis (Figure 5) and therefore was named PKH-T. It was not expressed in heart, brain, placenta, lung, liver, skeletal muscle, kidney, pancreas, spleen, thymus, prostate gland, ovary, small intestine, colon and peripheral leukocytes.

Figure 5. RT-PCR analysis of tissue distribution of PKH-T mRNA. Electrophoresis showing expression profile:
(A): PKH-T.PKH-T sequence-specific primers were amplified with cDNA of sixteen kinds of tissues. Another testis cDNA was used as positive control of PCR amplification, which was amplified from normal adult testis using RT-PCR. PCR product was 400 bp, PKH-T was specificly and strongly expressed in testis (Lower band. Base on Nucleotide-EST blast result, another band probably is EST BI459576 with amplify length of 490 bp). There was no expression in any other organs.
(B): amplification of G3PDH as control. All organs had the expression of G3PDH (983 bp).

3.4 Differential expression of PKH and PKH-T mRNA in testis of different development stages

PKH-T was strongly expressed in the prime of life testis. It was expressed in the spermatozoa at a lower level and not expressed in the fetal and aged testes. It is worthwhile to note that PKH gene was expressed in the adult, fetal and aged testes, but not in the spermatozoa. The expression of PKH-T/PKH in different developmental stages of testis and spermatozoa is different. The PKH-T expression is probably related to spermatogenesis specifically (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Expression of PKH-T and PKH gene in testis of different developmental stages.
(A): PKH-T gene was strongly expressed in adult testis. In spermatozoa, PKH-T gene was expressed also, but the level of expression was lower. The expression of PKH-T is lost in fetal and aged testes. PKH-T plasmid was used as positive control.
(B): PKH gene expressed in adult, fetal and grandsir testes, but not in spermatozoa. The expression lever of PKH gene in adult and fetal testes was higher than that in aged testis.
(C): expression of
b actin in the same situation.

3.5 Expression of PKH-T gene in testes of spermatogenic arrest and SCOS patients

PKH-T was not expressed in the testes of SCOS patients, while its expression in patients with spermatogenic arrest was varied. It was expressed in 3 patients, but not in the remaining one; In the testes of 2 patients with spermatid stage arrest, expression of PKH-T was detected in one. In 7 patients with all stages of spermatogenic cells, it was expressed in five patients, but not in the other 2. Expression of b-actin was detected in the testes of all the patients (Figure 7).

Figure 7. (A): Expression of PKH-T gene in 17 patients with Sertoli-cell-only syndrome (Lane 5, 13, 15 and 16) or spermatogenic arrest at various stages. Lane 1, 9, 12 and 18 arrest spermatocyte stage. Lane 2 and 4 arrest at spermatid stages. Lane 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14 and 17 were patients who had all levels of spermatogenic cells. Lane 19 was negative control and lane 10 PKH-T plasmid as positive control.
(B): expression of
-actin in the same templates. Expression of PKH-T is lost in testis of patients with SCOS and partially in patients with spermatogenic arrest. All patients have -actin expression.

4 Discussion

A variety of approaches have been developed to obtain information on gene expression levels, including in situ hybridization [14], differential display technology [15] and cDNA microarray [16]. In this study, cDNA microarray was used and a testis specific protein gene PKH-T was found, which possesses the same structural characteristics necessary for the activation of pyridoxal kinase [11-13, 17-19], i.e., a nearly identical PKH domain and very conserved motifs of PKH, possibly involved in substrate binding or catalysis (Figure 4). For the above reasons, we considered that PKH-T is a splice variant of PKH in the testis.

Michael CH et al [10]used 32P-labelled ORF PKH cDNA as a probe for the Northern analysis of tissue distribution of PKH and showed that a major 1.5-kb PKH transcript was expressed in all tissues tested and the hybridizing mRNA had an exceptional high expression in the testis. PKH-T is highly homologous with PKH gene (from 323-1272 bp of PKH, identity rate =100 %). In view of the facts that Michael CH used the complete PKH ORF cDNA as a probe and that both PKH and PKH-T are expressed in the testis with a higher expression level of PKH-T, we believe that this probe hybridized with the PKH mRNA in testis and that the blot signals are the simultaneous expression of the PKH and PKH-T gene.

Several lines of evidence indicated the relation between PKH-T and spermatogenesis: 1) PKH-T is highly expressed only in the testis; 2) It is highly expressed in the primer of life testes, in human spermatozoa, but not in fetal and aged testis; 3) The expression loss of PKH-T in testis of SCOS patients indicates that it is expressed not in somatic cells, including the Sertoli cells and Leydig cells, but only in the spermatogenic cells. These findings specifically linked PKH-T to the spermatogenic cell function, but it is not clear how the gene participates in this function.

Recently, ubiquitin dependence of gametogenesis has been gradually perceived. Ubiquitin ligases E1, E2, E3 and UBC4 are active in the testis. Ubiquitin and proteosomal subunits can be detected in human sperm centrosome undergoing dramatic reduction during spermatid elongation. Spermatid histones are ubiquitinated as they are being transiently replaced by transitional proteins and permanently by protamines. The defective spermatozoa become surface-ubiquitinated during their descent down the epididymis [20, 21]. Since ubiquitin-mediated degradation is extensively involved in spermatogenic process, the degradation products, small peptides and individual amino acids, must be produced in large quantity. Most amino acids cannot be deaminated directly and must first pass through transamination and pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP) is a coenzyme of all transaminases. Function of PKH-T gene in testis should be similar to that of PKH in somatic cells. We may assume that PKH-T may play a role in ubiquitin-mediated degradation, then there is no surprise that PKH-T gene is expressed at such a high level in testis and spermatogenic cells.

The present study suggests that abnormal expression of PKH-T may be correlated with infertility. Expression of PKH-T is lost in SCOS and partially in spermatogenic arrest patients, which may be one of the causes of these disorders. PKH-T loss might affect the process of replacement of spermatid histones by protamines, thus interfering in spermatogenesis. In conclusion, the specific expression of the new gene PKH-T in the human spermatogenic cells may be correlated with spermatogenesis and involved in infertility.


The work was supported by grants from National Project 973, China (No. G1999055901) and Chinese Natural Science Funds (No. 30170485).


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Correspondence to: Dr Jia-Hao Sha, Key Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China.
Tel/Fax: +86-25-8515 9918
Email: shajh@njmu.edu.cn
Received 2003-09-12 Accepted 2004-04-26